
ummm, ok that's enough....

Think I've done enough damage to my blog for one night. Fix this mess tomorrow! LOL!!


  • Anonymous

    Wow! That's some change!

  • Sandy said....

    Oh my Chilly matie.

    Mind you I have done the same before now and it's been the early hours of the morning before I have had to give up until I've had a nights sleep.

    That's one problem with Blogger. The skins are so blasted hard to work with, well, I found anyway.

    Will pop back later to see how you are getting on, xx.

  • Anonymous

    Haha, been there - done that. I always say, you learn more when you break it.


  • Anonymous

    I like the color ;)

  • Unknown said....

    The blue took me by surprise. It works with the sig! I'd probably mess up my blog if I knew how to.

  • chilly said....

    Hey everyone!!
    Yeah, I was tried last night and really knew not to touch it, but just had to do it and wished later I hadn't because nothing was going right.
    The red was getting a bit busy and I want to lighten it up, make it more easy on the eyes and to read.

  • Struggling Parents said....

    Pretty baby blue, I didn't think I was in your blog, thought maybe I clicked the wrong thing..lol, I was going to email you and tell you someone is using your title...lol

  • Hexacool said....

    Wow! completely different from the old template! This is feel cool...previous one feel hot!

  • Sly Hoax said....

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous

    Love the new look! The red was OK, but predictable -- this is unique and you're on your way to a brand.

    Two thumbs up from the eye (betchadidn't know eyes had thumbs)


  • Anonymous

    omg what happened to the bricks lol. Its blue bricks. I love blue so I gotta say I am partial to the color, but I do miss the old site. hmmphhh going around changing things on me lol. Chilly never change the blog when your drunk. :) I will be checking back often to see what the site looks like, I hope you pass my inspection.

  • Anonymous

    I like the brighter color scheme.

  • Anonymous

    Wow - I thought I'd hit the wrong blog .... it's late .... what a colour change - it certainly woke me up!! lol It works though - nice change. TTFN.

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