Blogger may not be so bad after all.
Have you ever been typing out something and for whatever reason, you lost it because of internet crash, storm knocked out power or whatever reason came up?
I've been thinking a while now that I'd like to change to a self hosted Wordpress blog and make a new fresh start on a blog. Even maybe change the name because I have no clue how I came to this blog name. LOL
But something happened a few days ago on one of my other blogs that has stayed on my mind that means a lot to me. I was typing out a post and internet just went out, crashed right in the middle of the post. Now I am pretty slow when typing, but I get the job done ok. Well... I know when this happens with Firefox, when you open windows back up, it will ask if you want to start new or restore what you had. I love that feature because it has saved me a lot of work before when working on scripts.
Anyway, got internet back up and started over typing the post. Later that night, I needed to delete and edit a couple of post. Went into the back to delete and what did I find?? There setting in a draft was the post I was working on before the crash. So I opened it up to look, and surely goodness it was the same post stopped in the middle where the crash had happened. Now I know to go look there and finish it. I never knew Blogger did that and that means a lot to me not to have to retype a long post.
Now I wonder, does another system do that too? I have a Wordpress blog that I don't really use because Entrecard can't be used on it. At least not free hosted blogs. Maybe I can test it out by throwning a breaker to kill power.
The *real* Wordpress will do that, too.
I don't know about the free wordpress as I haven't had one of those in a couple of years now, but it seems like it also saved a draft of your work every so often.
I have no idea but I do really like blogger. I am absolutely not a computer person so maybe it is just me but I am happy where I am at. Let me know if you find out though.
Hi and Thanks ê¿ê for the info!
Cool, the free Wordpress did save a draft also. Still I won't be using it because Entrecard won't work. But good to know it will I guess.
Hi Health nut wannabee mom!
Yes I guess I could say I'm happy with Blogger too. I've never had any trouble with it. Just that I like the Wordpress format better.
I use blogger. I have been thinking of switching over to a dot com, but blogger is just so darn easy and the auto save has saved me several times!
As a new blogger , I think blogger is suitable for me because its free and easy to manage.
I have a blog and a regular website and the regular website sits and collects dust because it is so hard to modify. I am waiting for the day that blogging sites expand in function and merge with other sites so that all sites are this easy to change around.
chilly, I love blogger because I don't have to know code. It has really expanded it's uses also. I have had the auto save work for me too. I like that you can also schedule a post in the future. Saves me so much time.
I don't know about wordpress.com, but wordpress.org does do it and, it allows EC. :-D
I don't have either. I have a godaddy web host and their blog feature(quickblogcast). They also have that saved feature but I really don't like their blog layouts.. I'm thinking of changing to blogger but I don't want to lose any ppp's or my page rank.
You know, chilly, you could use Entrecard on a wordpress.com blog, I think, if you try putting the widget code into a post. Make the post a "sticky" post by timing it far ahead into the future, so it will show up on top of all your posts. Just an idea, if you really want to have a wordpress.com blog. If I did it, I'd also check first with Phirate, to make sure he doesn't consider it a "quick drop" page, as I hear EC is coming down on those.
I would have stayed with Blogger, too, but I am nervous because Big Bad Google owns it. I don't like control freak companies, lol.
i use quick blogcast through godaddy and it lets me save drafts and even lets me change dates. so, for instance, if i write a post today i could date/time stamp it for july 3rd at 3 am and thats when it really publishes ;) both my blogs are through godaddy and i'm thinking the next will be a website instead of a blog. haven't quite decided yet ;)
I love that option too. It has saved me more than once.
I have one Blogger account. And I migrated it to custom domain. But I feel it' much better to do many things to our blog using WP. 'Til now, I still get difficulties to build Sitemap for my Blogger blog. Any idea?