
Alright, You guys win. :p lol

This post is kind of a follow up to the comments I got on the last post I made. HERE I haven't been ignoring your comments, but have been thinking on each one you made.
And truly, I really don't want to get out of blogging because it has given me much enjoyment. Not to mention all the enjoyment I've got out of finding you guys.
A couple of you have noticed already that I have turned Entrecard ads back on this evening. (EC paid ads only) Still not really coming up with ideas for postings to give you. But I'll make a post shortly on what I think has put me into this hole and what I feel about it and somewhat regret ever getting myself in it.
So bottom line is, I'll do what I can when I can and try to give you my best when I can give you something to read. hmmm, hope you understand what I just tried to say better than I do. lol

Ok, not going to ramble on anymore with this. Think you understand it all......... I'm staying where I am. Sorry to those who were happy if I were leaving. lol

ummm, but I haven't made up my mind if I'll still keep the bricks and title or give this site a makeover. This brain works mighty slow these days. lol


  • Rebecca Mecomber said....

    I was struggling with similar things, too.... probably not as severe, because I couldn't stop blogging if I wanted to. (After all, it is an income source for me, and I also just can't shut up! lol!). But with EC thing really had me discouraged.

    I think it may be burnout (for me, anyway). The change of seasons and the increased chores hit me hard. Sometime ya just need to walk away for a while.

    I don't think you will ever quit blogging, my friend. For one, your fans wouldn't let you. For two, you have too many interesting things to rant about!

    Just for the record, I'd love to know more about your area (Georgia). For example, is it true that a ziplock bag filled with water and hanging from the ceiling keeps away flies?! A friend of mine visited Georgia and saw a ziplock bag hanging. He was told it kept flies away. Wha?! Please solve this mystery!! ;)

  • Susan Cook said....

    Glad your going to keep at it. Maybe you just need or needed a little break, then the ideas will come to you. :)

  • jude8753 said....

    Glad to hear you've changed your mind, just post when you feel like it don't let the pressure get you down.

  • Spicybugz said....

    You put a smile on my face! I'm glad your sticking around :)

  • Unknown said....

    for me, there are many more positives to blogging than negatives...

  • Testuser said....

    Yeah!! Glad you changed your mind Chilly! I don't get here as often as I would like, but would definitely miss your brand of commentary if it were to go too long without it.

    Besides, we're nearly neighbors as I believe you're just over the SC/GA state line from me :)

  • Lynne said....

    YAY! Glad you've decided to keep blogging, even if it's not a daily basis. :-D

  • Sandi said....

    I am quite relieved you are sticking around...and I bought an ad. lol :D

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