

I remember when I started this blog, I had no clue at all what I was doing or where I was going with it. About the time I started getting tired of all the drama of message forums and thinking maybe I'll give blogging a chance. Figured blogging would be something I could control on what and where it goes. But you know, sometimes I think it's tries to control me on which way it wants to go. ;-)

Anyway, getting tried of forums, I figured blogging would be something I'd give a try. I remember when I started noticing people starting to drop in and even leaving comments. Hmm, I thought this was pretty cool so I started looking for was to get a few more in it and see where this goes.
Well, there's a photo blog that most of you I'm sure know about called New York Nitty-Gritty. I found this blog on Google one day doing a NY photo search, liked the blog and started going there every day. Then started noticing he had an Entrecard widget with a different picture. I clicked a few times and found other blogs and Entrecard. One thing lead to another and I joined Entrecard. Enjoyed using Entrecard even where I started seeing friends and other blogs that I enjoyed a lot started getting ran out of the system. But have done well using the system up until the point that the paid ads came out. Then like many other blogs I've seen, my traffic started falling off. Couple of times lately, I've seen to advertise on my blog dropped down to 64 and 128 ec's. I get vert little traffic out of Entrecard these days. In fact I wondering if it's really worth bothering with anymore.

So I've been playing around with other systems to see what happens. I added BlogUpp to my blog again. It seems to be bringing in about the same amount of traffic as Entrecard does.
Then I added Adgitize. I'm liking it a lot more and it's less work with more traffic than Entrecard gives me these days. Plus I get to widget surf like I used to do with Entrecard, but I only have to do one hundred a day. Only problem I hate, is some people don't place a widget on their blog and you hit a dead end. But that's ok, I pick up on another blog and keep on surfing and I'll remember those that won't run a widget next time I cross them.
Also gave this blog it's own On The Bricks Fan Page over on Facebook which is bringing in a bit of traffic too. So now between the 3 new systems I've added on top of Entrecard, I'm seeing the traffic that once came from Entrecard once again, plus more.


  • *lynne* said....

    How does one establish a Fan Page in Facebook?

    I put my blog in the Facebook "Networked Blogs" application, but if it's sent any readers my way, the today.com stats haven't seen 'em :(

  • Unknown said....

    KUDOS, I'm happy for you to see your traffic increase.

  • chilly said....

    Hi You two! Great to see you stop in. :-)

    @ Lynne,
    To build a fan page on Facebook.
    You need to have a facebook account.

    Then you can go here, (giving you a link to mine because it's easiest for me to find to give you) http://www.facebook.com/pages/On-The-Bricks/98773163929?v=wall&viewas=1322982946
    and look down the left side bar to find, "Create a Page For my Business".

    Then click the dot on "Brand, Product, or Organization". In the roll down menu, Pick "Website".

    Now just fill in all your information in places that is asked of you.

    Once you have your page built. Bookmark it so you can always find it. Facebook is the worlds worst for navigation. ;-)

  • MamaFlo said....

    I think that all these different social networking sites are just that, each gives you different traffic and the more you belong to the more traffic you get. I'm glad I didn't read in your post that you are leaving EC.

  • Garden Gnome said....

    Hi Chilly :) When I signed up for Facebook it says to use your real name rather than a nym so your friends can find you. So I haven't really done anything with it. Do you know if you can use an online name rather than your real name? If not is there some way to prevent the real name from showing? Just curious. Also, do you think Facebook is bringing more traffic to your blog than Twitter?

  • Mike Golch said....

    Chilly,we all do what we need to do.I hope that you are having a great day.

  • chilly said....

    Hi Ladies! Nice to see you!
    Yeah, your very right about that MamaFlo.
    LOL I don't know why I keep hanging around when I only have an incoming drops in the 60's each day, but I'm staying at Entrecard....... for now. lol

    @ Garden Gnome, I didn't use my real name at Facebook. But you do have to trick the system into believing it's a real name. No, there is no way of hiding a name you start there. You can change a name, but there again you have to trick it.
    Like when I started, I used Chilly Dawgg at facebook. I guess it believed Chilly was a name. Then I had to add a "g" to Dawg. Now I still use Chilly but have changed the Dawgg to my real last name. So you just have to play with it and find what works out if you don't want real name used.

    And Twitter brings me very small traffic. Right now, Adgitize is best, then Facebook, then Entrecard and Twitter brings up the rear. Just in that order with Entrecard and Twitter giving me the least amount of traffic.

  • chilly said....

    Hello Mike! Didn't see you slip in while I was posting a reply. lol

    Yes you are right. We all find what's best for us and they all give a piece of the puzzle to make our traffic. Even if it's just one person stopping in from who know what search engine. But that one person could become your best reader. Just never know! :-))

  • Garden Gnome said....

    Hmm, I don't suppose 'Gnome' would pass for a last name ;) Most of my traffic across all 5 blogs comes from search engines so I think I must be doing something right. I really like Adgitize as it brings some fairly decent traffic. CMF brings a bit about the same as Twitter and both go in spurts as does Digg and StumbleUpon. It's hard to know which is the best to focus on so I just keep pumping out the blog posts figuring the traffic will come.

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