Hi everyone,Why would anyone want to deal with Entrecard when they shut themselves off from contact with their members.
We have received some concerns regarding the high 75% tax deducted from the price to advertise on your blog. So for the next 3 months we will be lowering the tax rate to 50%. This means that you will receive 50% of the price it costs to advertise on your blog! The other 50% will be deleted from our system. This is effective as of today. After 3 months, if there are no major problems with the EC inflation, we will keep the tax rate at 50%.
Please continue to email us at support@entrecard.com if you have any problems or concerns. We would love to hear from you. All emails will be answered within 24 hours.
And what does Copyright 2006-2009, Amazon Inc. have to do with Entrecard????
Let see where this goes. They've been trying numbers of attempts to tweak EC.
I notice you still have your EC Widget down at the bottom of the page...
Just sayin'