
Getting so stupid and out of hand now.

Gasoline Refinery Expansions Scaled Back.
With Congress and the White House pushing to increases
the use of ethanol, the oil industry is scaling back its plans to expand
refineries - which could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to
President Bush has called for a 20 percent decline in gasoline use by
2017 and the Senate is debating legislation for huge increases in the use of
ethanol as a motor fuel. So, oil companies see a growing uncertainty about
future gasoline demand and less need to increase refinery capacity to make more
A shortage of refineries frequently has been blamed by politicians
for the sharp price spikes in gasoline.
This spring, refiners, hampered by
outages, could not keep up with demand and imports were down because of greater
fuel demand in Europe and elsewhere. Despite stable - even sometimes declining -
oil prices, gasoline prices soared to record levels and remain well above $3 a
Consumer advocates maintain the oil industry likes it that
"By creating a situation of extremely tight supply, the oil companies
gain control over price at the wholesale level," says Mark Cooper of the
Consumer Federation of America. He argues the refining industry "has no interest
in creating spare (refining) capacity."
Only last year, the Energy Department
was told that refiners, reaping big profits and anticipating growing demand,
were looking at boosting their refining capacity by 1.6 million barrels a day, a
roughly 10 percent increase.
But oil companies already have scaled those
expansion plans back by nearly 40 percent. More cancelations are expected if
Congress passes legislation now before the Sensate calling for 15 billion
gallons of ethanol use by 2015 and more than double that by 2022, say industry
and government officials.
"These (expansion) decisions are being revisited in
boardrooms across the refining sector," says Charlie Drevna, executive vice
president of the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association.

Totally stupid when it takes $40-$50 bucks a weeks just in gas and I'm sure some people pays more just to go to work. When are they going to wake up and see America can't keep going like this. But sure all is cool in DC. Thier pockets are full of money and lots of food on their tables!


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