And this is me. :P My surprise to find it on my camera later. Wanda had Jean to grab this shot when I wasn't paying attention. You know what they say about pay backs, right. LOL! At least it came out blurry. ;)
Well, I had it pretty eazy. I was the last for people to see as I took up the electronic voter cards and gave them a "I'm A Georgia Voter" peach sticker to wear if they wanted for the day.
You might notice a lot of books around us. That's because we were in the Library of a local elementary school. We thought it would be a long slow day with not much happening being only a runoff, but we ended up with 532 people showing up to vote. Almost as many as the Presidenial Election with 764 people showing up.
Well, I had it pretty eazy. I was the last for people to see as I took up the electronic voter cards and gave them a "I'm A Georgia Voter" peach sticker to wear if they wanted for the day.
You might notice a lot of books around us. That's because we were in the Library of a local elementary school. We thought it would be a long slow day with not much happening being only a runoff, but we ended up with 532 people showing up to vote. Almost as many as the Presidenial Election with 764 people showing up.
Have you read Turnip's Post on Entrecard? What the hell is Grahm Doing?
Tre Bizzare.
Hello Beamer! Good to see you stop in for sure!
Yes, I sure have read it and lots more in a lot of different places from different people too.
Well! I'm really not sure what the hell Graham is doing or even thinking most times. Not even sure he does to be honest with you.
I really feel the whole thing is pretty silly and with a little jump the gun pay back against Turnip if you ask me. And for what?? Some hat?? And honestly, I don't think the hat does anything for him anyway. But it's his hat, so he can do whatever he wants with it.
But don't get me wrong here though. I'm not on Turnip's side either. And I don't agree with a lot Turnip said, but I do agree he was good for Entrecard. Even go as far as saying maybe he was better for Entrecard than Graham is. We never see Graham when he's needed to be seen and seems like everything is left up for Phirate anyway to do when anything goes wrong which is more often than not with Entrecard.
But personally I think Graham just may have cut his own throat on this last deal. If Turnip had made some comment on Entrecard, then it may would be a different story, but he wasn't and Graham is crazy as hell when he thinks he can control what people said or do on another website. He's going to do nothing but run everyone off pulling silly tricks like that.
And speaking of silly tricks, I might as well go ahead and say while I'm at it. That Twitter feed widget Graham is using, he's fooled no one. He only done it so he can keep track of what people say about Entrecard. If not, then why only set it to only pick up the word "Entrecard" ???????
Just another way of trying to control people!