
Now I finally know....

Some of you may remember a while back when I posted that things for me had gotten so that I couldn't stay focused on what I was doing, feel bad most days and all gets on my nerves and I wondered if it were something to do with using patches to quit smoking.

Well, things for me has gotten worse over the past few weeks. My legs and feet started swelling on me, got so I can't even walk 20 feet before I get tired, weakness and out of breath. Sometimes I even fall because my legs give away. Gained 16 pounds in just one and a half months. Also get tremors. Bad enough that when I take a shower, I have to lean against the shower wall so not to fall. Just some of what is happening to me....

Got to be enough because I wasn't getting any better after I quit smoking as I should have been. Finally gave in to see my doctor a couple days ago and now spending this evening in the hospital and after a lot of testing of blood, lungs, gaining body fluid/water, blood clots, EKG, X-rays and about everything else you can think to test for, turns out it wasn't anything to do with smoking, quitting smoking patches  but is an underactive thyroid. I don't know, maybe the cigarettes were given my body enough to hide the thyroid problem for a long time and the more I quit smoking, the more the thyroid problem showed up. I never had any idea the thyroid could do so much damage to ones body.
But at least now I know what is wrong and have to start on meds, then retest and retest over again to get meds adjusted for me and hopefully before long I will be back to my old self...... FINALLY!


  • Rebecca Mecomber said....

    Wow, I had no idea you were so ill! I am glad you finally got checked. You'd better take good care of yourself, or else!

  • Susan Cook said....

    I'm glad you found out what was wrong. Hope you feel better soon :)

  • Rose Jane said....

    Hello, I am new here. But I am glad to meet you.

    I hope that you will continue quitting in smoking. You have to take care of yourselves. Remember: Health is Wealth!

    Please visit my blog also


  • *lynne* said....

    That's scary what you went through.. glad it's been diagnosed, tho! It's such a relief to KNOW why things are happening! ... I'm still wondering what is the underlying cause for my allergy outbreak... funny thing is it seems to have almost subsided now... why? and when will it rear its ugly head again? Until I know, it's always going to be at the back of my mind, y'know? :p

  • Robin Boland said....

    Glad you went to the doctor and I hope your health gets better. Our health is everything for a long life to live. Take good care! :-)

  • MamaFlo said....

    I'm glad you finally went to see your doctor and that you are on the road to recovery. Yeah I think smoking covered up a lot of things for me also, probably I just never thought about feeling bad, hell, I'd go outside and have a cigarette and that made it all better........NOT!

    Keep Quit my friend and continue getting better.

  • Lynne said....

    Glad to hear you went to the doctor, that could have become even more serious without medical attention.

  • Sandi said....

    well I am really sorry you have been through so much. It is terrifying to not know what is wrong. Because thyroid problems run on my mother's side of the family and because of the fact I had radiation in that area the doc tells me it's only a matter of time before I have problems. I am kind of waiting for it but I wonder how long it will take me to realize that it is my thyroid you know? I hope you feel much better soon!

  • Silly Willy and Fluffy said....

    Whew, that was a close and very scary call. We are
    glad you gave in and went to the doctors. You are blessed as this is a wake up call. I went through this many years ago and it is so important to pay close attention to your body signals. We will keep you in our prayers that you will come out of these problems with flying colors. No matter how hard the battle, you will win. Our best to you!
    Silly Willy & Fluffy (4 thumbs up!)

  • jude8753 said....

    So glad you now know what's wrong and so glad you can now take meds that will help. Sure hope you start feeling better soon please let us know how it's going.

  • chilly said....

    Hi and a huge THANKS to all of you for your replies.
    Yep, I HATE going to doctor but knew I had to give in and go see a doctor when my legs quit holding me up and more tired after a full night's sleep than I was before I went to bed. No fun at all in falling and I was getting worse as days go by.
    But after my own doctor told me it's a under active thyroid, I started out thinking how can some little something in my throat be doing so much damage to me. Boy was I fooled after visiting the hospital and doing their test and from what the doctor there told me, plus my own doctor, also reading info on the internet, I starting to rethink this thyroid thing and just maybe it's a bit more serious than I ever figured possible.

    Thanks guys! People like you bloggers stepping up when others have problems is the great community I've always seen in bloggers.

  • Unknown said....

    wow, good thing you finally went in.

  • One Creative Queen said....

    I'm really glad you went in and found out what was wrong. I went through similar symptoms - and they checked my thyroid several times. It would always come back normal. After over 2 years of having every test known to man (and some I didn't even know existed!), they found out I have Cushing's Disease - a tumor on my pituitary gland. My cortisol level is always high, putting my body in a constant state of fight-or-flight. Every time I start to quit smoking, I notice a definite increase in my symptoms - so I think you may be onto something about smoking cutting the effects of some illnesses. It's weird how everything is inter-related, isn't it?

    I hope you're feeling better soon, and that they are able to get your meds worked out ASAP. You'll be in my thoughts. xx

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